For more than 75 years, Constellation Brands has been committed to serving as good stewards of the environment, enhancing social equity within our industry and communities, and advocating for responsible beverage alcohol consumption. To find a summary of our strategy, established commitments and targets, and progress, visit our 2023 ESG Impact Report.
Summary of our strategy and key initiatives during our 2023 fiscal year (Mar. 1, 2022-Feb. 28, 2023)
Summary of our strategy and key initiatives during our 2022 fiscal year (Mar. 1, 2021-Feb. 28, 2022)
Summary of our strategy and key initiatives during our 2021 fiscal year (Mar. 1, 2020-Feb. 28, 2021)
Summary of our strategy and key initiatives during our 2019 fiscal year (Mar. 1, 2019-Feb. 28, 2020)
Summary of our strategy and key initiatives during our 2019 fiscal year (Mar. 1, 2018-Feb. 28, 2019).
FY18 CSR Report (English | Spanish)
Summary of our strategy and key initiatives during our 2018 fiscal year (Mar. 1, 2017-Feb. 28, 2018).
Supplier Code of Conduct & Sustainability (English |Spanish | Italian)
Our supplier Code shows our commitment to choosing reputable business partners who are committed to ethical standards and business practices compatible with our own.
Equal Employment Opportunity Employer Information Report (EEO-1) (English)